New Workshops Added to 30/30!

Today is the day to sign up for 30 Classes in 30 Days, as it's the last chance to avail yourself of discounted early registration! A workshop every day in November for a one-time fee that can't be beat.

Speaking of November, the calendar is almost full! We've just added some more exciting workshops. From advanced illustration techniques to fostering creativity as a family, we're covering a pretty wide spectrum with this event!

Latest Additions:

Who Needs Art Anyway? The Role of Creativity in Child Development with Kate Sheilds Stenzinger

Digitally Organic Art and The Dramaturgy of Silly with Kim Holm

Turning Jokes Into Comics: Laughing Yeti Monkey Spaghetti and Storytelling to Make Your Comic's UI Awesome with Rob Stenzinger

And there's still more to come! You can keep track of the events by subscribing to the Lean Into Art workshop calendar: XML/ICAL/HTML

More Workshops as the Deadline Approaches!

We've posted three more workshops to the 30 Classes in 30 Days calendar!

First up, we have An Introduction to the Super Rad World of Color by Kevin Cross! In this live presentation you'll get an overview on the basics of color theory followed by some cool tricks to create mood and focus in your illustrations.

Then we have two workshops on using software in your comics work:

Coloring with Adobe Photoshop Elements will show you how to use Adobe's inexpensive image editor to do professional-grade coloring.

Lettering with Adobe Illustrator will provide you with some practical techniques in creating sound elements in your comics, along with some philosophical meditations on sound design! Anyone who enjoyed the Art & Story episode where Jerzy Drozd spent nearly two hours talking about sound effect design will enjoy this workshop.

Don't forget! You've got until this Friday to take advantage of early bird discounted pricing for 30 Classes in 30 Days registration!

Workshop Schedule Filling Up!

We're beginning to fill November's calendar for the big 30 Classes in 30 Days event! Here are some of the great workshops you'll get by signing up:

Comics Fundamentals with Jerzy Drozd
A four-part series of workshops taking you from blank page to a developed comics story.

Creating Crazy Characters! with Krishna Sadasivam
A four-part series of workshops where you'll learn how to use line, pose, and silhouettes to create memorable and dynamic characters.

Foundations of Dynamic Linework with Brandon Dayton
Get a top-to-bottom understanding of how you can use lines to create focus and structure in your illustrations.

Creating Compelling Characters with Tyler James
The creator of the 30 Characters Challenge shares some advanced techniques on how to create characters readers will care about. 

We've also scheduled some Lab sessions on the calendar. Like a lab in school, these will be informal sessions led by an instructor with a proposed topic, though you're welcome to bring your own wonderings or questions to discuss in a roundtable format.

You can subscribe to our public calendar using the following links to stay informed on what workshops are being added to our schedule as we drop them in: 




And don't forget! Only a few more days to take advantage of the early bird discounted registration for the event! After this coming Friday, registration fees will increase. So sign up soon!