LIA Cast 06 - Pacing Anecdotes

This episode is dedicated to all of you brave cartoonists who are participating in this year's 24 Hour Comics Day. We (Rob and Jerzy) have prepared a discussion that will fill nearly 1/12th of the time you'll be spending on your story, and it so happens that the topic is entirely devoted to building a story!

We start out talking about social streams as a layer of content that supplements one's artistic endeavor. Is using a persona online disingenuous? Can a creator employ multiple personas for multiple audiences and still be genuine?

We then spiral off into talking about strategies for building a story, including:

  • Thinking of it as an anecdote
  • Outlining it into a series of points to be made, connected by the questions Why and How
  • Allowing one's self to be surprised by what can come out of relaxing and letting it happen on the page


We close with some talk on pacing and rhythm, using music as an analogy for visual storytelling.

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LIA Cast 06 - Pacing Anecdotes