LIA Cast 20 - Working with CSS

So you've got a webcomic site set up, whether it's a Wordpress installation, a Tumblr blog, or you've hosted it on Posterous. But the notion of customizing it on your own creates a little bit of stress and uncertainty. Understandable, since most of us are artists, not programmer nerds!

Fortunately Rob Stenzinger likes to walk the imagined line between these two camps. This week he takes the time to take us through some basic ideas on how CSS works and demonstrates how to use these techniques by changing some elements on the Lean Into Art site and his own Tumblog. A great refresher course for those of us who are familiar with CSS, and a great intro piece for those of you who have never gotten under the hood to customize your website.

Links mentioned in this episode:

Social Networking

Upcoming Workshops for February 2012



LIA Cast 20 - Working with CSS